Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Buddha said that man's work is to find his work and devote himself to it.  In more technical terms, I think, what he's saying to find your dharma - your duty.  Is it your duty to be a leader?  A creator?  A farmer?  Is it your duty  to create music?  Teach lessons?  Feed the world?  Or simply to clean this earth - from the office to the shores?  Whatever it may be, the road to this conclusion is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, roads we have to travel in life.  Some may have been set on their directions from childhood.  Some have yet to find their work at old age. But where ever you are on this journey, finding this conclusion brings you to a level of joy and enlightenment that makes you a better participant in this universe. A better person, a better man. And if you've become better in your humanity, aren't you a bit closer to becoming the best that you can be?

Some believe in destiny. Some believe in making their own destiny. But I think it is both. To achieve your destiny, you have to make it. Sounds bullshit but it really makes sense. And there's a lot of true bullshit on this Earth. Like the bullshit that you are your own enemy. Actually, it is true but it is complicated. The truth is, there's a part of you that's created by the society around you - with all the hypocrisies, vanities and pretentions society has, together with the best it has to offer, its virtues. That is your enemy. And the you that fights it - or that should fight it - is the you that believes in what's best for you. You fight to live the way you want to live - and people call you greedy. You fight to live simply and society calls you backward and lazy. Any which way you go, society has something bad to say about you. So why don't you just go on the path that makes you happy? Only, you have to do the first step left, right or center - despite society.

And ain't the travel more enjoyable if you're with a friend or a lover to travel with? :) If you aren't lucky to find your conclusion, it's a different kind of luck to at least find a person you can journey with.

So, here's to journeying on.

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